This blog is for treatment, education and tips about acne

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How Did I Get Rid of Acne

how to get rid of acne
Acne Before and After
When I developed acne, I was in my tenth grade, it was just a simple pimple-like lesion, after several months I noticed, it is not just a simple case. I ask my mother to seek professional opinion for treatment of it. I scoured drugstores near our home searching for cures. The remedy I could find was a sulfur-based topical drug but lost its helpfulness. When I arrived at the university for college, I started visiting a dermatologist. The doctor treated me with antibiotics, radiation, and a range of potent topical medications. I also underwent acne surgery. Because of the expense the treatments require, I decided to discontinue. I also sensed that there’s no improvement on my case after six months suffering those ordeals.     

After graduating from college, I began working, earning enough for myself, and for intense treatment of my acne. I was once again sought the help of a dermatologist. Luck is not again with me, I went though recommended treatments, none of which appeared to convey effective relief. I was so discourage!

One day, a childhood of mine told me about a certain doctor, he’s an expert pediatric dermatologist. He was truly specialized in his field who employ advanced dermatological treatments for cases like mine. I was very determined to meet him and consult my acne case. When I visited him I was very astounded by his manner of accommodating patients. He’s very enthusiastic for what he’s doing, giving love for every patient.  For several decades of having acne, I sense true feeling of confidence. After diagnosing and labeling the treatments I made in the past, he recommended vitamin A for my acne. 

During my long search to end my problem, I have read vitamin A supplement for treatment, but I did not receive any improvement after taking large dose of vitamin A. But what the doctor is referring is topical vitamin A that is applied directly onto the affected area of the skin. The doctor used the product on me in combination with other oral medications, and over the period of 4 months, as much to my astonishment, my face and neck finally cleared from acne lesion!

After I felt the huge satisfaction and happiness from the doctor’s treatment, I began talking about him with my friends and colleagues who are also suffering.    

What is Acne

what is acne
Lesions appear on the face
Acne is one of the dreaded and disfiguring diseases that none of us want to suffer. It effects one’s self esteem and behavior. Acne occurs during teenage years of even earlier and usually reappears during adulthood. In this blog about acne I will be discussing  about its treatment, home remedies, cures and prevention. You tell yourself that you are not alone in this world to have clearer and smoother skin. 

It is a common skin disorder that can appear at any age and commonly affects the face. It can also occur on your back, chest or neck. It can leave permanent scars on the affected area, thus it could have an affect on one’s self-confidence.  Acne inflicts young men or women virtually at any age of their lives. But, young men, usually during teenage years, are more likely to have the harsh cases of this skin disease.  

How Acne Appears

The exact cause why acne appears is unknown. But to explain how acne zits out because of clogged hair follicles in the sebaceous glands it then produce sebum. Bacteria, dead cells and sebum blend together until it grows it size, and breaks out on the surface of the skin. Doctors, specializing in acne treatment, think acne as hereditary disease that pass from parents and other relatives. They also believe that it is cause by hormonal change making your skin produces more oil. Reaction to some common drug you take can contribute to breakout and some factors aggravate the condition. Greasy foods, such as hamburgers, French fries and other food containing large amount of oil, can cause acne or make it worse.  

When Acne Occurs

It begins at age of 11 and 14, and could prolong for up to 10 years. Severe reappearance is common. The teenage body can produce excessive amount of hormone, resulting for production of acne vulgaris. For unfortunate individual, acne vurgaris production could prolong until age 30s and even at early 40s.  Due to medical advancement, you can take many steps for its treatments and recover the appearance of your skin.